There are few robotic lamp projects on Instructables, but by far none of them are going to make lamp help people like this way. Most of all, it should upload to your personal repository without your commands. You could click some button to take photos of projects or maybe it would move and shoot automatically. It might track your projecet object and motion. I am going to mount several servo motors on it, and redesign many parts to let the lamp move smoothly. I do love this idea because it will become an useful personal assistant which is my dream from childhood.

and I have decided to make or even redesign this lamp to let it help us do the documentation such as taking photos of your projects automatically. So, looking at classic tertial lamp, I came up with an idea like Pixar Luxo Jr. You can edit your data online like Excel through Table Editor, and the changes will be converted into LaTeX Table in real-time. One day, at Fablab Taipei, we were discussing about documentation issue and where we could have better documentation tools to let people leave and share their experiences and knowledge to the space. Just paste or drag-and-drop your LaTeX into the textarea of Data Source, and it will immediately perform the magic of the conversion. Especially I like a racing cartoon called Future GPX Cyber Formula, which has a bot with AI in car helping leading character race and even becoming a friend to human being. I am interesing in physical personal assistant from childhood. MacDown sports two panes you type on the left and preview the formatted text on the right.

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